after two paper yg dah dijawab semalam dan kelmarin. too lazy to study for mandarin.
esok paper mandarin will be in the morning. MALAS NYA!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
hehe haha hihi huhu
3.16 am
24th April
saje online jap nak bitau ptg ni dah start final exam!
24th - Public Speaking
25th - Finance
27th- Mandarin
6th- Marketing
7th- Personal Development
Operation Management
24th April
saje online jap nak bitau ptg ni dah start final exam!
24th - Public Speaking
25th - Finance
27th- Mandarin
6th- Marketing
7th- Personal Development
Operation Management
*6th & 7th - all papers are theory papers. conclusion = jangan kacau aku on dat week! *
*lepas paper operation management, jom kite p suke ria hahahahha*
Friday, April 20, 2007
what a..
hah did i stated here b4 all my good frens tak wish my besday yesterday? except for nadia.
well a bit upset la kan no one among them remember. sume bz wif final exams. but the things is, rupe2 nye mereka dah wat satu rancangan. asked me to temankan leely p ptptpn damansara heights and pastu ajak p lunch. rupenye ade makan2 kat pizza hut. and they bought me 5 slices of cakes. hehehe differ cake each. bes bes. diorang kata nak bia i rase sume. wow! btol2 dah menghargai kan? sangat terharu. and nak tau satu cite? rancangan ni hampir kantoi bile pekerja pizza tanya 'cik, nak bwk kek skang ke?' hoh? i tekejot. kek mende lak ni kan? hehehe plus they bought candles yg kalo tiup je nyala balik. hehe penat btol nak tiup. and dia mcm ade bunge api. bes sgttttt. sgt besss. even simple tp sangat sronok bile kite duk ngan kwn2 makan sama2.
ptg lak i went to library study. sampai kul 11pm hehe. ye la duk umah ni susah sket nak study kan? sume pun tau kan. anyway thanks guys yg wat surprise party ni. sbb diorang bersusah payah nak kenekan i. sbb slalu nye i la mastermind in any surprise party. so kire susahla nak wat utk i sbb mcm2 i dah wat dulu. hehehe
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My Day
Im 22nd today! Happy Birthday to me. Moga panjang umur, murah rezeki, berjaya dalam hidup dan sihat selalu. amin. yey! ucapan utk diri sendiri ni. Thanks to everyone yang wish ye. tak sangka ramai gak ingat hari jadi naz. anyway sebelah ni besday kek yg dibuat kawan2 kelas finance. hehe tadi kat kelas ade surprise party kecik2 dr kawan2. wah bes la. rase diri dihargai. sangat seronok. teringat plak masa surprise party mase taun lepas. sangattt seronok. ade gak yg wish moga cpat dapat bf. naz amin kan aje. *winks*
Friday, April 13, 2007
hey kinda long time tade mase nak post blog. actually been busy with studies. assignments. quizzes, tests, presentations. and tak lama lagi nak final dah. and my lucky date was 24, 25, 27, 6, 7 napekah tiada gap? tu je persoalan dihati and for 7th May tu ade dua paper skali gus. GOSH! mintak2 everything will be fine aite? insya allah. mudah mudahan
hah back to the topic. why pay more? hehehe basically this que pop in my mind when i went to sacc (to whom yg jauh dari malaysia sacc stands for shah alam city centre). i went there with sum friends to have lunch. so makan2, jalan2, gelak2 then nak byr parking fees, one of my friend kata 'hey kalo kite bile sumthing in sacc, we only have to pay rm1 for parking' so kami sume decided to ask information centre. so they asked us to go to their office. and u know what, in order to get rm1 for parking fees, we have to walk and walk. the office was in the basement and outside sacc. hahaha sambil jalan tu i ckp ngan my fren. this is the 1st time and the last time i kemaruk nak byr rm1 ehehehe so why pay more? u dun have to find the office, u dun have to walk fast after 15minutes given to move your car. so pay more. is it? hehehe actually ni pun company' s startegy kot. so people wont be bothered.
hah back to the topic. why pay more? hehehe basically this que pop in my mind when i went to sacc (to whom yg jauh dari malaysia sacc stands for shah alam city centre). i went there with sum friends to have lunch. so makan2, jalan2, gelak2 then nak byr parking fees, one of my friend kata 'hey kalo kite bile sumthing in sacc, we only have to pay rm1 for parking' so kami sume decided to ask information centre. so they asked us to go to their office. and u know what, in order to get rm1 for parking fees, we have to walk and walk. the office was in the basement and outside sacc. hahaha sambil jalan tu i ckp ngan my fren. this is the 1st time and the last time i kemaruk nak byr rm1 ehehehe so why pay more? u dun have to find the office, u dun have to walk fast after 15minutes given to move your car. so pay more. is it? hehehe actually ni pun company' s startegy kot. so people wont be bothered.
Monday, April 02, 2007
JOm Jumpe Session Versi 2
Venue - Midvalley Megamall
Time - 2pm (janji melayu)
bebudak #my.ghost wat jom jumpe session again. kali ni lebey ramai. lebey menarik. tuan tanah pun ada with his fiance. i went to mv wif fariz, benz ngan eerin. met pert there. kenal ngan soul_breker ( zal), shah, ody. first time jumpe. tp sgt peramah sume. yg lain sume tetamu bese, iwan, zufry, tuan tanah himself (aie), mem (tunang dia), and buat julung kali nye papajahat (wahyudy) dtg bersama awek and i would like to call mamajahat hehehe. activities? makan2, borak2 sampai lebam, men bowling ( i adalah peserta terhebat dgn jatuhan pin paling rendah) LOL, dan makan2 lagik selepas itu. around 9pm everybody sume balik umah. overall sgt menarik. and iwan makin bole betego sape ngan naz even tak la ramah sgt. tp ok la kan, tego juge. paling klaka bile ody ingat im not Cherish^The^Love. dia ingat i ni [aku-park-nick-aje] hehehe klaka2. lepas ni bile lak jom jumpe session part 3. ehehe teringat lak kat bebudak thncrew kan. lama btol tak jumpe sume.
p/s neem hurry back!
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